Stationary Combustion

Stationary Combustion is a Scope 1 Emission that includes, but is not limited to, boilers, simple and combined-cycle combustion turbines, engines, incinerators, and process heaters. Stationary fuel combustion sources are devices that combust solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel, generally for the purposes of producing energy, generating steam, providing useful heat or energy for industrial, commercial or institutional use, or reducing the volume of waste by removing combustible matter.


class atomic6ghg.formulas.stationary_combustion.StationaryCombustion(wks_data=None)

Stationary combustion includes fuels that are burned at stationary facilities.

all_fuels = ['anthraciteCoal', 'bituminousCoal', 'subBituminousCoal', 'ligniteCoal', 'naturalGas', 'distillateFuelOilNo2', 'residualFuelOilNo6', 'kerosene', 'liquefiedPetroleumGases', 'woodAndWoodResiduals', 'landfillGas']
static calculate_ch4_emissions(fuel, total_fuel_combustion)

Calculate CH4 emissions for a fuel

static calculate_co2_emissions(fuel, total_fuel_combustion)

Calculate CO2 emissions for a fuel

static calculate_n2o_emissions(fuel, total_fuel_combustion)

Calculate N2O emissions for a fuel

common_units = {'anthraciteCoal': 'shortTon', 'bituminousCoal': 'shortTon', 'distillateFuelOilNo2': 'gallons', 'kerosene': 'gallons', 'landfillGas': 'scf', 'ligniteCoal': 'shortTon', 'liquefiedPetroleumGases': 'gallons', 'naturalGas': 'scf', 'residualFuelOilNo6': 'gallons', 'subBituminousCoal': 'shortTon', 'woodAndWoodResiduals': 'shortTon'}
fossil_fuels = ['anthraciteCoal', 'bituminousCoal', 'subBituminousCoal', 'ligniteCoal', 'naturalGas', 'distillateFuelOilNo2', 'residualFuelOilNo6', 'kerosene', 'liquefiedPetroleumGases']

Calculate non-fossil-fuel emissions


Calculate co2 equivalent emissions


Calculate emissions for all fuels burned


Calculate total combustion for all input rows

non_fossil_fuels = ['woodAndWoodResiduals', 'landfillGas']
recalc(wks_data: dict) dict

Execute recalc procedure for StationaryCombustion


API to expose _output


API to expose _output as JSON

from atomic6ghg.formulas import StationaryCombustion

input_data = {
  "version": "stationary-combustion.1.0.0",
  "stationarySourceFuelConsumption": [
      "sourceId": "BLR-014",
      "sourceDescription": "West Power Plant",
      "sourceArea": 10517,
      "fuelCombusted": "anthraciteCoal",
      "quantityCombusted": 100,
      "units": "mmbtu"

calculated_data = StationaryCombustion(input_data).to_dict()


EPA Equation Analysis

Stationary combustion allows for inputs of combusted quantities for the following sources with units, which are converted into an internal atomic6 unit:


Input Units

Internal Unit

Anthracite Coal

Short Ton, MMBtu

Short Ton

Bituminous Coal

Short Ton, MMBtu

Short Ton

Sub-bituminous Coal

Short Ton, MMBtu

Short Ton

Lignite Coal

Short Ton, MMBtu

Short Ton

Natural Gas

scf, MMBtu, Therm


Distillate Fuel Oil No. 2

Gallons, MMBtu


Residual Fuel Oil No. 6

Gallons, MMBtu



Gallons, MMBtu


Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)

Gallons, MMBtu


Wood and Wood Residuals

Short Ton, MMBtu

Short Ton

Landfill Gas

scf, MMBtu, Therm


The fundamental calculation for each source are their \(\text{CO}_2\), \(\text{CH}_4\), and \(\text{N}_2\text{O}\) emissions associated with the quantity combusted. The formula is:

\[Emissions_{GHG,\, fuel} = Fuel\; Consumption_{fuel} \cdot Emission\; Factor_{GHG,\, fuel}\]

This is Equation 2.1 from [IPCC2006V2CH2]. Note, in atomic6, the \(Fuel\; Consumption_{fuel}\) is actually composed of two terms:

\[Fuel\; Consumption_{fuel} = User\; Input\; Fuel\; Consumption_{fuel,\, fuel\: units} \cdot Unit\; Conversion\; Factor_{fuel\: units}\]

where \(Unit\; Conversion\; Factor_{fuel\; units}\) converts the \(fuel\; units\) into the standardized internal atomic6 unit for \(Fuel\; Consumption_{fuel}\), which varies depending on the stationary combustion source (see above table). This is necessary, since \(Emission\; Factor_{GHG,\; fuel}\) is only available in limited sets of units, but we want to allow for a wide range of input units for \(fuel\; units\) to minimize unit conversion being done by the user from the system they use for record keeping.

For stationary combustion, the \(Total \text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{GHG,\, fuel}\) and \(Total\; Biomass\; \text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{GHG}\) in metric tons are calculated. The formulas are:

\[Total\; \text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{GHG,\, fuel} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} Emissions_{GHG,\, fuel, n} \cdot EF_{GHG}\]

where \(Total\; \text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{GHG, fuel}\) is the sum of all \(GHG\) emissions by each source (fossil fuel or non fossil fuel), \(Emissions_{GHG,\, fuel}\) are emissions of any \(GHG\) (fossil fuel or non fossil fuel \(\text{CO}_2\), \(\text{CH}_4\), and \(\text{N}_2\text{O}\)), and \(EF_{GHG}\) is the emission factor for that \(GHG\) to convert it into \(\text{CO}_2\;\). Note that in atomic6, those emissions with units of grams are converted into kilograms, then the final value of this calculation is divided by \(1000\) to convert this value into \(metric \; tons\).

\[Total\; Biomass\; \text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{fuel} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} Non\; Fossil\; Fuel\; \text{CO}_2\; Emissions_{fuel, n}\]

These equations are outlined in Equation 2.2 from [IPCC2006V2CH2].

where \(Total\; Biomass\; \text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{fuel}\) is the sum of \(Non\; Fossil\; Fuel\; \text{CO}_2\; Emissions_{fuel, n}\), which only accounts for the GHG \(\text{CO}_2\). Note that in atomic6 the final value of this calculation is converted into \(metric \; tons\).


IPCC, 2006: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 2, Energy, Chapter 2, Stationary Combustion, pp. 11