
A carbon offset [EPA2018_offset] is a project that is a specific activity intended to reduce GHG emissions, increase carbon storage, or enhance GHG removals from the atmosphere. The offset can be used to address direct and indirect emissions associated with an organization’s operations.

Class Documentation

class atomic6ghg.formulas.purchased_offsets.PurchasedOffsets(wks_data=None)

Calculate emissions savings from purchased offsets


Transform total purchased offsets and present as a negative value


Tabulate project level offsets across all projects into the value purchasedOffsets

recalc(wks_data: dict) dict

Execute recalc procedure for purchased offsets


API to expose _output


API to expose _output as JSON

Example Usage

Python example code usage:

from atomic6ghg.formulas import PurchasedOffsets
offsets_input: dict = {
    "version": "purchased-offsets.1.0.0",
    "purchasedOffsets": [
        {"purchasedOffset": 500}
engine = PurchasedOffsets(offsets_input)
outputs: dict = engine.to_dict()

EPA Equation Analysis

Offsets calculates the total purchased \(\text{CO}_2\) offsets by summing up the inputs of offsets purchased.

The fundamental calculation for offsets is their \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emission\; Reductions\)

The formulas is:

\[\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emission\; Reductions = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} Purchased\; Offset_{n}\]

where \(Purchased\; Offset_{n}\) is the amount of offsets that have been purchased during the reporting period for one entry in the offsets table. Note that in atomic6 final values for offsets are converted into \(metric \; tons\).


EPA & Green power partnership, Offsets and RECs