
Commuting is a Scope 3 Emission that includes emissions from transportation of employees between their homes and their worksites. Employees can commute via personal vehicle or public transport. Atomic6ghg uses the distance-based method for calculating emissions from employee commuting.

Class Documentation

class atomic6ghg.formulas.commuting.Commuting(wks_data=None)

Calculate emissions from commuting equipment

all_vehicles = ['passengerCars', 'lightDutyTruck', 'motorcycle', 'intercityRailNortheastCorridor', 'intercityRailOtherRoutes', 'intercityRailNationalAverage', 'commuterRail', 'transitRail', 'bus']
static calculate_transportation_emissions(travel_factor, vehicle_miles)

Calculate emissions for a gas given travel factor and vehicle miles inputs


Calculate co2 equivalent emissions


Calculate CO2 equivalent emissions for each input row


Calculate CO2 equivalent emissions for each input row in Personal Vehicle table


Calculate emissions for each input row in Public Transportation table


Make total row for Personal Vehicle table


Make total row for Public Transportation table

personal_vehicles = ['passengerCars', 'lightDutyTruck', 'motorcycle']
public_transit = ['intercityRailNortheastCorridor', 'intercityRailOtherRoutes', 'intercityRailNationalAverage', 'commuterRail', 'transitRail', 'bus']
recalc(wks_data: dict) dict

Execute recalc procedure for Commuting


API to expose _output


API to expose _output as JSON

Example Usage

Python example code usage:

from atomic6ghg.formulas import Commuting
commuting_input: dict = {
    "version": "commuting.1.0.0",
    "personalVehicle": [
            "sourceId": "BLR-014",
            "sourceDescription": "West Power Plant",
            "vehicleType": "passengerCars",
            "vehicleMiles": 250}
    "publicTransportation": [
            "sourceId": "BLR-014",
            "sourceDescription": "West Power Plant",
            "transportType": "bus",
            "passengerMiles": 250}
engine = Commuting(commuting_input)
outputs: dict = engine.to_dict()

EPA Equation Analysis

There are two different tables and therefore two different methods to calculate emissions from employee commuting. The first is for those employees who commute via of personal vehicle, the second is for those employees who commute via public transportation.

Commuting allows for inputs of personal vehicle types for the following vehicle types:

Vehicle Type

Passenger Car

Light-Duty Truck


Commuting allows for inputs of public transportation types for the following public transport types:

Transport Type

Intercity Rail - Northeast Corridor

Intercity Rail - Other Routes

Intercity Rail - National Average

Commuter Rail

Transit Rail (i.e. Subway, Tram)


The fundamental calculation for each vehicle type or public transport type for personal vehicle and public transport commuting are their \(\text{CO}_2\), \(\text{CH}_4\), and \(\text{N}_2\text{O}\) emissions associated with the vehicle type and based on the vehicle miles traveled.

The formulas are:

\[Travel\; Emissions_{travel\, mode, T} = Travel_{travel\, mode} \cdot EF_{T}\]

This equation is derived from Equation 1 from [EPA2008_p4].

where \(Travel\; Emissions_{travel\, mode, T}\) is the mass of \(\text{CO}_2\), \(\text{CH}_4\), or \(\text{N}_2\text{O}\) emitted, \(Travel_{travel\, mode}\) is the travel distance in miles for a specific travel mode, which is either vehicle miles traveled or passenger miles traveled for personal vehicle or public transportation respectively and \(EF_{T}\) is the travel \(\text{CO}_2\), \(\text{CH}_4\), or \(\text{N}_2\text{O}\) emission factor which is based on the type of personal vehicle or public transport method.

For commuting, the \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{GHG, transport}\) in metric tons is calculated. The formula is:

\[\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{GHG, transport} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} Total\; Emissions_{GHG, transport} \cdot GWP_{GHG}\]

This equation is derived from [EPA2008_p4-6].

where \(Total\; Emissions_{GHG, transport}\) is the sum of all the emissions for that \(GHG\) (\(\text{CO}_2\;\), \(\text{CH}_4\), or \(\text{N}_2\text{O}\)) and \(transport\) (either personal vehicle or public transport), and \(GWP_{GHG}\) is the global warming potential of that \(GHG\). Note that in atomic6 the final value of this calculation is converted into \(metric \; tons\).


EPA, 2008: 2008 EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Protocol Core Module Guidance Optional Emissions from Commuting, Business Travel and Product Transport, pp. 4


EPA, 2008: 2008 EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Protocol Core Module Guidance Optional Emissions from Commuting, Business Travel and Product Transport, pp. 4-6