Fire Suppression

Fire Suppression is a Scope 1 Emission that accounts for fire suppressant gas use. There are three different carbon accounting methods employed in the final formula to calculate \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) , and all three can be utilized simultaneously if need be.

The EPA’s SGEC workbook employs three methods for calculating emissions in Fire Suppression: material balance, simplified material balance, and screening method.

Class Documentation

class atomic6ghg.formulas.fire_suppression.FireSuppression(wks_data=None)

Calculate emissions from fire suppression equipment

static calculate_co2_emissions_material_balance(gwp, inventory_change, transferred_amount, capacity_change)

Calculate CO2 emissions for a gas given material balance inputs

static calculate_co2_emissions_screening_method(gwp, type_of_equipment, unit_capacity)

Calculate CO2 emissions for a gas given simplified material balance inputs

static calculate_co2_emissions_simplified_material_balance(gwp, new_units_charge, new_units_capacity, existing_units_recharge, disposed_units_capacity, disposed_units_recovered)

Calculate CO2 emissions for a gas given simplified material balance inputs


Calculate co2 equivalent emissions


Calculate CO2 equivalent emissions for each input row


Calculate CO2 equivalent emissions for each input row


Calculate CO2 equivalent emissions for each input row

recalc(wks_data: dict) dict

Execute recalc procedure for FireSuppression


API to expose _output


API to expose _output as JSON

Example Usage

Python example code usage:

from atomic6ghg.formulas import FireSuppression

fire_suppression_input: dict = {
    "version": "fire-suppression.1.0.0",
    "materialBalance": [
        {"gas": "hfc23", "inventoryChange": 25,
            "transferredAmount": 10, "capacityChange": 0}
engine = FireSuppression(fire_suppression_input)

outputs: dict = engine.to_dict()

Material Balance

The fundamental calculation for each fire suppressant gas type input for the Material Balance Method are their \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) emissions associated with the \(Inventory\; Change\), \(Transferred\; Amount\), and \(Capacity\; Change\) and based on \(GWP_{gas}\).

The possible gas types that \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) can be calculated for when using the material balance method for fire suppression are:










The formula for \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) is:

\[\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{B, E, gas} = GWP_{gas} \cdot \left(\left(I_{B} - I_{E}\right) + \left(P - S\right) + \left(C_{B} - C_{E}\right)\right)\]

This is derived from Equation 5 from [EPA2015_p8].

where \(gas\) is the refrigerant gas type, \(GWP_{gas}\) is the global warming potential for that \(gas\), \(\left(I_{B} - I_{E}\right)\) is the inventory change or the difference between the amount of fire suppressant in inventory at the beginning of the reporting period and the amount in inventory at the end of the reporting period, \(\left(P - S\right)\) is the transferred amount or the difference between the amount of fire suppressant purchases or other acquisitions (\(P\)) and the amount of fire suppressant sales or disbursements (\(S\)), and \(\left(C_{B} - C_{E}\right)\) is the capacity change or the net change to the total equipment volume for a given fire suppressant during the reporting period.


EPA, 2015: 2015 EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidance, Direct Fugitive Emissions from Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Fire Suppression, and Industrial Gases, pp. 8

Simplified Material Balance

The Simplified Material Balance Method is a simplified version of the Material Balance Method. With this simplified method, there are fewer flows of fire suppressants to consider. This method is appropriate for entities that do not maintain and track a stock of fire suppressants, and have not retrofitted equipment to use a different fire suppressant during the reporting period. This method requires information on the quantity of fire suppressant: (a) used to fill any new equipment installed during the reporting period, (b) used to service equipment, and (c) recovered from any equipment retired during the reporting period. It also requires information on the total fire suppressant capacity of installed and retired equipment.

The possible gas types that \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) can be calculated for when using the simplified material balance method for fire suppression are:










The fundamental calculation for each fire suppressant gas type input for the Simplified Material Balance Method are their \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) emissions based on \(GWP_{gas}\). The formula for \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) is:

\[\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{N, S, D, gas} = GWP_{gas} \cdot \left(\left(P_{N} - C_{N}\right) + P_{S} + \left(C_{D} - R_{D}\right)\right)\]

This is derived from Equation 6 from [EPA2015_p10].

where \(gas\) is the fire suppressant type, \(GWP_{gas}\) is the global warming potential for that \(gas\), \(P_{N}\) is the new units charge or the purchases of fire suppressant used to charge new equipment, \(C_{N}\) is the new units capacity or the total fire suppressant capacity of the new equipment, \(P_{S}\) is the existing units recharge or the purchases of fire suppressant used to service equipment, \(C_{D}\) is the disposed units capacity or the total fire suppressant capacity of retiring equipment, and \(R_{D}\) is the disposed units recovered or the fire suppressant recovered from retiring equipment.


EPA, 2015: 2015 EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidance, Direct Fugitive Emissions from Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Fire Suppression, and Industrial Gases, pp. 10

Screening Method

In addition to the fire suppressants, the Screening Method requires an equipment type to be entered to the fire suppressant used with the equipment, and must be one of the following:

Equipment Type



The possible gas types that \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) can be calculated for when using the screening method for fire suppression are:










The Screening Method is another way to calculate emissions from Fire Suppression. With this method, there are four emission stages which include charging, operation, servicing, and end-of-life.

The fundamental calculation for each fire suppressant gas type input for the Screening Method are their \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) based on \(GWP_{gas}\) and the emission stages. The formula for \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions\) is:

\[\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{gas, E} = GWP_{gas} \cdot EF_{E} \cdot Unit\; Capacity\]

This is derived from Section 2.1.2 from [EPA2014_p7].

where \(gas\) is the fire suppressant gas type, \(E\) is the type of equipment (either fixed or portable) \(GWP_{gas}\) is the global warming potential for that \(gas\), \(EF_{E}\) is the emission factor for that equipment type \(E\), and \(Unit\; Capacity\) is the fire suppressant capacity for each piece of equipment.


EPA, 2014: 2014 EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidance, Direct Fugitive Emissions from Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Fire Suppression, and Industrial Gases, pp. 7

For fire suppression, the \(\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{method}\) in metric tons is calculated. The formula is:

\[\text{CO}_2\; Equivalent\; Emissions_{method} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} Emissions_{method}\]

This equation is derived from [EPA2015_p8].

where \(Emissions_{method}\) are the total \(\text{CO}_2\; Emissions\) for that \(method\) (material balance, simplified material balance, or screening method). Note that in atomic6 final values are converted into \(metric \; tons\).